Welcome to Lake Animal Clinic!

welcome to Lake Animal Clinic!

Our goal is to help pets live long, happy, and healthy lives.

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About Us

Lake Animal Clinic is an AAHA Accredited small animal veterinary clinic located in beautiful Clear Lake, Iowa.
Our goal at Lake Animal Clinic is to help pets live long, happy, and healthy lives. We believe that a key element to a healthy pet is a great relationship with your veterinarian. Dr. Holly Neuberger and Dr. Kristen Rule are committed to professional, caring, and personalized service. Lake Animal Clinic takes pride in our dedication to the highest standards in veterinary medicine by offering a full-service clinic with state-of-the-art veterinary medical technology. We take an individualized approach to the long-term care of each of our patients, and we are dedicated to providing our pet parents with enough education and resources to make informed decisions concerning the health care of their animal companions.

Globe Gazette Readers' Choice Winner

Lake Animal Clinic won the Globe Gazette Readers' Choice for Best Veterinary Clinic in 2024. Thank you to everyone who voted for us!

Meet the Team

Veterinarian and Owner

Holly Neuberger

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Kristen Rule

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Customer Service Representative

Brittany Hultman

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Registered Veterinary Technician

Kylie Vollbrecht

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registered veterinary technician

Tasha Bonoffski

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Veterinary Assistant

Samantha Wester

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Clinic Companion


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Animal Care Services

Happy dog running through the grass

Stress-Free Visits

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Dog and a cat laying next to each other on a blanket.

Personalized Care

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Dog with a plastic cone to protects itself after having surgery

Surgical Services

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Dog chewing on a dental stick in the grass


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vet using a stethoscope on a black cat

Advanced Imaging & Diagnostics

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What to expect

Schedule your pet's Appointment

Call to schedule an appointment with one of our friendly staff members!
Be sure to provide us with updated records to ensure Dr. Neuberger, Dr. Rule, and staff are up-to-date on all of your pet’s unique needs.


Please fill out the new client registration form prior to your first visit to ensure a smooth, stress-free transition of care!

New Client Registration Form →

Components of Every Appointment

  1. Review of history, special needs, diet, and medications.
  2. Thorough physical examination by Dr. Neuberger or Dr. Rule.
  3. Care plan established.
  4. Pet owner resources and educational materials supplied.
  5. Full exam report provided.
Dog and cat sitting in their owners lap

AAHA Accreditation

Lake Animal Clinic is proud to have achieved AAHA accreditation in early 2025.

Less than 10% of clinics in Iowa achieve this accreditation and we are so proud to have done this in only a year and half of first opening.

The Value of Accreditation:

To achieve AAHA accreditation, a veterinary hospital must meet or exceed hundreds of standards covering all aspects of veterinary care and business. These standards are continually updated to keep pace with advancements in veterinary medicine, ensuring that accredited hospitals remain at the forefront of the profession.

Veterinary hospitals must meet standards in the following categories: anesthesia, dentistry, emergency and critical care, human resources, laboratory, medical records, pain management, patient care, pharmacy, and surgery.

Our goal by becoming accredited is to ensure we are providing exceptional care to pets and pet parents. Because accreditation is voluntary, each hospital that chooses the AAHA path truly believes in the high standards upheld by the AAHA organization.

To learn more about this organization, please visit: aaha.org.

